Yucheng Jin

Yucheng Jin 金昱成


Yucheng Jin is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Duke Kunshan University. He is also a member of Positive Intelligence Lab. Prior to his current role, he was a Research Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University, where he contributed significantly to the development of Human-computer Interaction in the Department of Computer Science. Moreover, he also spent four years working as a senior UX designer at Lenovo Research. He obtained his Ph.D. in Augment Group at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven). He has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed papers, including publications in premier conferences and journals in Human-Computer Interaction, such as CHI, CSCW, and IJHCS. His innovative work has also led to ten patents. Furthermore, he regularly serves as a (senior) program committee member for esteemed ACM conferences like RecSys and IUI.

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, KU Leuven, 2019
  • M.Sc. in Informatics, TU Munich, 2013
  • B.Mgt. in Information Systems, Wuhan University, 2010

📣 I am currently seeking to fill positions for research assistants and postdoctoral fellows at DKU, as well as prospective Ph.D. candidates in partnership with Hong Kong Baptist University. Should these opportunities pique your interest, feel free to drop me an email with your CV and a one-page research statement (desired).

Research Interests


His research is situated in the long-standing quest to "Augmenting human intellect." He studies how humans interact / collaborate with AI systems in two major application domains: mental well-being and augmented creativity. His research interests include the following topics:

  • Human-AI Interaction and Collaboration
  • UX of Recommender Systems (e.g., trust, explanation, personalization, and user control)
  • Music and Augmented Creativity
  • Mental Health and Well-being

Selected Publications

indicates equal contributions, and * indicates the corresponding author.

Jin, Y., Chen, L., Zhao, X., & Cai, W. (2024). The Way You Assess Matters: User Interaction Design of Survey Chatbots for Mental Health. In International Journal of Human - Computer Studies (IJHCS). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Cai, W., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Doherty, G., & Jiang, T. (2024). Exploring Generative AI for Music-based Reminiscence with Older Adults. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). PDF DOI
Sun, J., Yang, J., Zhu, G., Jin, Y.*, & Gong, J.* (2024). Understanding Human-AI Collaboration in Music Therapy Through Co-Design with Therapists. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Chen, L., Cai, W. & Zhao, X. (2023). CRS-Que: A User-Centric Evaluation Framework for Conversational Recommender Systems. In ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems. PDF DOI
Cai, W., Jin, Y., Zhao, X., & Chen, L. (2023). Listen to Music, Listen to Yourself": Design of a Conversational Agent for Supporting Self-Awareness in Music Listening. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Cai, W., Chen, L., Dai, Y., & Jiang, T. (2023, Oct.). Understanding Disclosure and Support in Social Music Communities for Youth Mental Health. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW '23). PDF DOI
Zhao, X., Chen, L., Jin, Y.*, & Zhang, X. (2023, March). Comparing Button-Based Chatbots with Webpages for Presenting Fact-Checking Results: A Case Study of Health Information. In Information Processing & Management (IP&M) (pp. 1-17). PDF DOI
Cai, W., Jin, Y., & Chen, L. (2022, May). Impacts of Personal Characteristics on User Trust in Conversational Recommender Systems. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22) (pp. 1-14). PDF DOI [Honorable Mention Award]
Cai, W., Jin, Y., & Chen, L. (2022). Task-Oriented User Evaluation on Critiquing-Based Recommendation Chatbots. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. (pp. 1-13). PDF DOI
Alvarado Rodriguez, O. L., Htun, N. N., Jin, Y., & Verbert, K. (2022). A Systematic Review of Interaction Design Strategies for Group Recommendation Systems. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW '22). (pp. 1-51) PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Chen, L., Cai, W., & Pu, P. (2021, November). Key Qualities of Conversational Recommender Systems: From Users’ Perspective. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI '21) (pp. 93-102). PDF DOI
Shen, Z., Wan, X., Jin, Y.*, Gao, G., Wang, Q., & Liu, W. (2021, July). SeatPlus: A Smart Health Chair Supporting Active Sitting Posture Correction. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 531-547). Springer, Cham. PDF DOI
Cai, W., Jin, Y., & Chen, L. (2021, April). Critiquing for music exploration in conversational recommender systems. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '21) (pp. 480-490). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Deng, Y., Gong, J., Wan, X., Gao, G., & Wang, Q. (2021, April). OYaYa: A Desktop Robot Enabling Multimodal Interaction with Emotions. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces-Companion (IUI companion '21) (pp. 55-57). PDF ODI
Jin, Y.*, Tintarev, N., Htun, N. N., & Verbert, K. (2020). Effects of personal characteristics in control-oriented user interfaces for music recommender systems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), 30(2), 199-249. PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Cai, W., Chen, L., Htun, N. N., & Verbert, K. (2019, November). MusicBot: Evaluating critiquing-based music recommenders with conversational interaction. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '19) (pp. 951-960). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Htun, N. N., Tintarev, N., & Verbert, K. (2019, June). Contextplay: Evaluating user control for context-aware music recommendation. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '19) (pp. 294-302). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Tintarev, N., & Verbert, K. (2018, September). Effects of personal characteristics on music recommender systems with different levels of controllability. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys '18) (pp. 13-21). PDF DOI [Best Paper Nominee]
Millecamp, M., Htun, N. N., Jin, Y., & Verbert, K. (2018, July). Controlling spotify recommendations: effects of personal characteristics on music recommender user interfaces. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on user modeling, adaptation and personalization (UMAP '18) (pp. 101-109). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Tintarev, N., & Verbert, K. (2018, July). Effects of individual traits on diversity-aware music recommender user interfaces. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '18) (pp. 291-299). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Seipp, K., Duval, E., & Verbert, K. (2016, June). Go with the flow: effects of transparency and user control on targeted advertising using flow charts. In Proceedings of the international working conference on advanced visual interfaces (AVI '16) (pp. 68-75). PDF DOI
Jin, Y., Klerkx, J., & Verbert, K. (2016, June). CircleBuy: a visual search based second screen application of buying products in videos. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS '16) (pp. 287-292). PDF DOI
Prehofer, C., Wagner, A., & Jin, Y. (2016, October). A model-based approach for multi-device user interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '16) (pp. 13-23). PDF DOI
Bongartz, S., Jin, Y., Paternò, F., Rett, J., Santoro, C., & Spano, L. D. (2012, November). Adaptive user interfaces for smart environments with the support of model-based languages. In International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI '12) (pp. 33-48). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. PDF DOI



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"Everything you do in your life should be serious fun." - Erik Duval
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